Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Course...

After i passes my SPM, i was study at IKIP INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE. I study in Diploma Menagement of Islamic and now i in semester 2.. =) i enjoy my study, it is because my course that i choose is easy to learn and we can get a new thing..hehe
In my course,we also learn in english language. Some a new student was affaraid to join this course because they thought in this course must learn in bahasa arab. Bahasa arab is only the subject in semester 1 and it easy because it only learn the general to all..
Talk about islamic..emm..we in this course also the open minded..hehe in this course i can learn more about islam and i like the Perundangan and Kehakiman subject.. In this subject i know the history about majistret and like it so much..i hope in the new intake,many new students join this course.. =)